Over the past 35 years, there have been three iterations of the Tamworth Master Plan, each guided by town-wide, comprehensive community surveys. In each survey, rural atmosphere and natural resources have elicited an overwhelming consensus in favor of protection.
Survey results for the latest Master Plan (2008) are shown in the two charts below. The first rates relative importance of various natural resources and the second shows relative preferences for different methods of protection.
Based on the outcome of the survey, the following items were included in the 2008 Master Plan Vision Statement:
Protecting open spaces and preserving natural resources.
Protecting natural systems that maintain clean water, clean air, and promote biodiversity in
native wildlife.
Promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices in the community, and ensuring that
the best farm and forest soils are preserved.
Recognizing and protecting view sheds and open spaces.
The Implementation Section of the 2008 Master Plan includes the following recommendations:
The Conservation Commission should continue to use all available tools to protect natural resources, including wetlands, wildlife, agriculture, forests, open space, recreation areas, and view sheds.
The Board of Selectmen should explore acquiring a town forest to be managed by the Conservation Commission.
The Conservation Commission should encourage agricultural landowners to consider conservation easements.
The Conservation Commission, the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen should establish Wildlife Corridors by means of conservation easements and managed development in order to foster the migration and enhance the habitat of area wildlife.