Commission Members
Ned Beecher, Chair (term expires 2027)
Kit Morgan, Vice Chair (2026)
Charlie Townsend, Treasurer (2026)
Dylan Alden (2027)
Jeremy Phillips (2027)
Eileen Shelly (2025)
Teresa Fournier (2026)
Alternates: Nelson O'Bryan (2027, past Chair), Lucy Gatchell (2026), Kelly Goodson (2027)
Associates: Kathy Bunker, Chris Clyne, David Little, John Mersfelder (past Chair), Sue Stowbridge, Katy Thompson
Planning Board Representative: Nick Grant
Select Board Representative: Richard Doucette
Administrative Assistant: Chris Conrod
Standing Committees / Coordinators
Conservation Lands Review (CLRC) - Nelson O'Bryan, Chair
Easement Monitoring - Jeremy Phillips, Coordinator
Managed Lands & Trails - Dylan Alden, Chair
Public Education & Outreach - Lucy Gatchell
Wetlands & Shorelands - Ned Beecher & Kit Morgan
The Commission meets the 2nd Monday of each month, 7:00 pm, at the Town Office, 84 Main Street, in Tamworth Village, and at other times, as needed. The public is welcome. Click these links for MINUTES and AGENDAS.
Bylaws & Member Handbook
The Conservation Commission updated its Bylaws in 1996. Download (PDF).